Yo, test engineers!
Say we have a web page with a list of genres in a book shop. And we want to make sure that "Sci-Fi" genre is in the list.
Create a test that finds an element with "Sci-Fi" text on it.
XPath for the test could look like: "//*[@id='BookGenres'][ . = 'Sci-Fi']"
Bingo. Test works t works!
Let's say we have another shop with it's own web pages, but genres are in capital letters - i.e. "SCI-FI".
The test here stops working which makes test engineer upset.
To make test engineer we could compare strings case-insensitive. With XPath 1.0 it could be difficult.
Let's use "translate" function which takes following arguments:
Here is a new XPath and test will work on both "Sci-Fi" and "SCI-FI"
"//*[@id='BooksGenre'][translate(., 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') = 'Sci-Fi']"
Happy testing!
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