a note to meself
for i in `idevice_id --list`;
ideviceinfo -u $i |grep "^SerialNumber\|^DeviceName";
"The Objective-C language (C++ "challenger"), is not very widely spread outside MacOSX / Cocoa world. However, it is really worth studying. Unfortunately, the few documentations that can be found are targeted most of the time to OOP beginners. Therefore, an advanced C++ developer cannot find quickly the equivalents of its usual techniques : time is lost at exploring the language.So, I have tried to gather in this document a lot of C++ and Objective-C concepts, to show how to switch from one to another and understand the Objective-C paradigms. I hope that it will help good developers to rapidly adopt Objective-C."
sudo purge # do not use. see important note below
sudo -secho 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
#!/bin/bashset -xif [ -z "$1" ]thenSVN_REV=""elseSVN_REV="-r $1 "fisvn up --ignore-externals ${SVN_REV} .svn pg svn:externals . | \grep -v "^$" | \sed -e "s/\^//g" | \awk '{ print "svn co https://my_repo.com"$1" "$2 }' | \sed -e 's/$/ \&/g' \> _svn_up_parallelcat _svn_up_parallelbash _svn_up_parallelrm _svn_up_parallel