Monday, November 14, 2016

Mac OS X Sierra and self signed certificates

For some reason after upgrading to Sierra some of self signed certificates stopped being trusted.
Keychain Access was hanging and guru meditating while trying to delete/reinstall certificate.

this helps to reinstall self signed certificate:

0. find your certificate among installed

security find-certificate -a -Z|grep -e "SHA\|alis"

1. remove cert with

security delete-certificate -Z certSha

2. install cert via command line

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustAsRoot -p ssl myCoolSelfSigned.cer

3. in Keychain Access in system keychain open certificate and select "Always Trust"

as well this tool does magick

sudo certtool i myCert.crt

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ruby Prime numbers

Ruby is the only language that has all the prime numbers in a set.

The set of all prime numbers.

it's like "Chuck Norris Has Counted To Infinity. Twice" 

Just kidding - basically, the class provides Enumerable type API to prime number generator with limitation to methods 'each' and 'first', but I like the Ruby Doc description :-)