Things a little changed since Xcode 4
If you want to build your project for simulator
and want to do it with the latest and the greatest version of Xcode - version 5.x
and want to do it with command line utility xcodebuild,
because you need this for Continuous Integration or someth,
1. In your Build Scheme for Simulator in project's "Build Settings" in section "Code Signing" set:
- "Don't Code Sign" for "Code Signing Identity"
- "None" for "Provisioning Profile"
2. In command line use iphonesimulator7.0 as desired SDK
(even if you have downloaded SDK 6.1, it won't help. not without other voodoo dark magic)
/usr/bin/xcodebuild -verbose \
-project MyCoolProject/MyCoolProject.xcodeproj \
-scheme MyCoolProjectSimulator \
-configuration Debug \
-arch i386 \
-sdk iphonesimulator7.0 \
clean build
where TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY is iPhone (1) or iPad (2)