Ok, let's say we have a usecase - a job on Jenkins CI that needs to start a background process, remember PID of the process, pass the PID to some later cleanup. And we need something that will work on Linux and on Mac OS X (yes, even this OS can behave polite).
So 1st, let's start a process and remember it's PID. This is done via $! shell environment variable. The $! variable will have PID of latest started process. So here is an example:
nohup tail -f /var/log/syslog > /tmp/$BUILD_TAG.log & export LOGGER_PID=$!
# $BUILD_TAG - is an environment variable provided by Jenkins CI, it has unique job execution identifier
2nd, let's remember the PID
3rd, let's use the PID and send SIGTERM to the process if it is still alive. We'll wrap it to a shell script.
. /tmp/$BUILD_TAG # read to LOGGER_PID env variable
local pid_alive=`ps ax| awk '{print $1}' | grep -e "^$LOGGER_PID$" >>/dev/null; echo $?`;
# ps ax| awk '{print $1}' - will print to stdout PIDs without surrounding spaces
# grep -e "^$LOGGER_PID$" >>/dev/null; - will search for the PID, ^ and $ are important, just in case our PID is a substring of some other PID on system
# echo $? - will echo exit code of last command
if [ $pid_alive -eq 0 ]; then
kill $LOGGER_PID; # sending SIGTERM to the process
sleep 10;
echo "Proc with PID $LOGGER_PID already terminated"